Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well, Hello!

The wind blew a branch into our power line which, in turn, knocked out our power and everyone else along the however many blocks in our neighborhood.
For TWO days.
I know that sounds whiny, but I don't care.
I had to entertain a two-year-old by myself for TWO WHOLE DAYS without electricity.
And basically no food.
I had a cooler stocked full of ice with all the 'cold-stuff-that-actually-has-to-stay-cold' items.
I couldn't open the freezer because I wanted everything in there to stay nice and... frozen.
It was exhausting.
But, we did have some fun.
We tried to have a picnic in our backyard. It was so windy we kept getting nailed with extremely large branches.
Every time one would crack and fall to the ground, we'd look at each other with this 'whoa' look on our face.
Then, a really REALLY big one fell and we immediately picked up our stuff and ran to the front yard.
No words, just an understanding that we might get crushed if we didn't move pronto.
No power for 2 days = no sewing for 2 days = I'm 2 days behind in orders.
So, I really should get back to sewing.
I've got to finish up this monster in the next 2 days...
... wish me luck.
We've had a lot of fun with the quilt top.
It's been great for little mini-photo shoots where we just goof around.
Oh, and those totally cute Bear Feet in Aqua size 9 in excellent used condition?
Guess how much?
You're going to be mad at me.
Total... total.
I love a good ebay victory.
The seller must have been pissed because I was the only bidder.
And she set the min bid at $15 with $2 shipping.
... that's exactly what I paid.

I love it when she's got the sleepy eyes because she just woke up and she's perfectly fine with cuddling and snuggling and just being still for a few minutes.
LOVE it.
I also made this skirt out of some scraps from the monster quilt.
I got this really awesome book from Barnes&Noble the other day.
-OH MY GOSH- I have to tell you about the stupid lady at the bookstore.
But, it will have to be tomorrow when I can really, I mean really get into it.
This woman was ridiculous.
Anyways... this book has awesome patterns included and lots of good tips.
I haven't made anything from the patterns yet, but I did use the info on gathered ruffles to make up my own skirt pattern... kinda.
I added a bunch of pom-pom trim and ribbon.
I had to go back to the store 2 times to get enough pom-pom crap and then another time to get more ribbon.
That's a heckuva lot of trips for one little skirt.
I do love it.
I love it so much I made matching leggings.
I'm still on the fence on whether or not I'm going to put this one in the Etsy shop.
I want Willow to have it, but I also don't want her to wear it.
Which is weird, because I'm not like that at ALL with her clothes.
We'll see... I'm probably just mad about all the frickin' runs to the store for more and more and more supplies to finish the damn thing.

Oh- and those Olive Green Bear Feet Mary Janes, size 9 you see there with the scalloped trim...
Not kidding.

My plan was to make this a very short post with barely any words and lots of pictures.
That obviously didn't work out and now I REALLY have to get back to sewing to make up for the 2 lost days to the darkness.

Let there be light.


  1. i am FUH-REAKING. OUT. i love my quilt! i love my quilt! i love the skirt, but that's mostly because i love my quilt! (also, the pom poms are crazy cute, so that helps.)
    now i'm going to go jump on my bed and yell I LOVE MY QUILT!!

  2. Wow, love the AMH Good Folks quilt! That is going to look totally awesome when it's done!!


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