Number One: Forgive me for not posting for one. entire. month. Geez.... I'm sorry 'bout that.
Number Two: Join with me in the freaking out that my little sister is married. MARRIED!

Yup, that just happened.
In Texas.
In a horse pasture.
At sunset.
The entire wedding party in cowboy boots.
Complete with a hitching post.
And, of course, a whole lot of gorgeousness.
Because, in case you didn't know, my sister is beautiful.
See, I told you.
I would really appreciate some fellow freakers because, seriously, I think it all just hit me. HARD.

I'll have some more pictures to show you soon.
The wedding/reception really does deserve its own post.
So that's what I'm going to give it.
Later... when I don't have to hijack all the pictures off of facebook :)
Number 3: Go check out this blog, Enjoying the Small Things. Why? Because it's awesome.
My husband's cousin Kelle started her amazing little (huge) blog after she had her first daughter, Lainey, 3 years ago. She and her hubby just had their second little girl in January, Nella.
You'll want to read Nella's birth story.
And then you'll want to read the whole blog.
And then you'll want to look at all her pretty pictures (she's an amazing photographer)
And then you'll want to follow it (yes, it's that good)
And then you can just stare at the computer and admire Kelle and her fam in all of it's amazingness.
So, when you're done with all of that, you can go look at this little snippet of her blog...
Scroll all the way down
(you should really read it, but if you're impatient and don't want to get sidetracked and sucked into the infinite black hole that is the internet, you can just scroll down) and you will see two cute little apron dresses that were made by moi!
These two, actually:
But they look so much cuter when they're on these little beauties... don't you think?
photo courtesy of
So, because Kelle posted these dresses with links to my Etsy Shop and my blog, and because she has 2465468715743524168735 loyal followers...
my shop/blog/requests have blown UP!
It's all I can do to keep up with demand.
... and I LOVE it!!
So thanks again to Kelle!
Number 4: Look at all the stuff I've been doing in the month I haven't been blogging :)
Working on other custom orders like double size quilts:
Making pillow covers for friends' bedrooms:
Trying my hand at hand-stitching a label:
Making cute little things for my cute little thing:
Making a bajillion dresses to send out to the millions (slight over exaggeration) of people who have ordered them in the last 10 days in time for 4th of July celebrations:
Speaking of... I need to get back to work if I'm going to finish all the stuff on my list today!!!
Go shake things up!